Chemical peels have been around for a long time for good reason—they work. Everything old is new again and chemical peels are experiencing a re-birth of sorts as growing numbers of doctors turn to these oldies but goodies to address a wide range of skin concerns and conditions. What’s great about chemical peels is that they’re low tech and not intimidating when compared to lasers, and they address the same problems—skin discoloration, texture, and wrinkles.
Different peel formulas achieve different results and are chosen by need and skin type. Common peeling agents include: Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Mandelic Acid, Jessner’s solution and trichloroacetic acid (TCA). Do not hesitate to ask our doctors any questions because that is what they are there for!
- After this procedure, your skin can be red for a couple of hours and skin peeling for couple days, so don’t be lazy to apply moisturizer frequently, it will help a lot!
- Skin also can feels dry and tight starting the day after your peel: don’t exfoliate! don’t scrub! Resist the urge to pick at peeling skin. We know it’s hard, but it does more harm than good. It can irritate your fresh new skin.
- Use only the pre- and the post-treatment skin care goodies we gave you, and apply sun protection like it’s your job, for at least five days.
- Once your skin feels like its back to its young self (about 5-6 days) you can go back to your regular skin care regimen.
- You still can use makeup and resume normal activities right away, but of course you should avoid sun and outdoor activities.
- Add on micro needling for an extra boost.